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There is something learned these days.

Let us ponder on who we really are.

Perhaps we need to remember What and Who America is.

I have been remembering how my father would talk about WWll.

And how his favorite Movie was God is My Co-PIlot.

I began to reminisce in my mind about how much he would love watching the war movies.

During the last year or so..i have been pondering about our nation.

I felt tears in my eyes...I didn't know why.

I felt almost scared.... What is going to happen to my

"Beloved America"?

The hatred that comes if you don't agree makes you the bad...

The discord all over the nation... From coast to coast.

Talk is everywhere about the march to the capitol and noting about antifa. .

Watching the moral of a nation disappear to hearols of self pity and lone righteousness Is a disgrace.

I stand aghast at the demise of our freedoms under the scrutiny of the CDC.

I sand forlorned at the prospect of forced silence among conservatives.


I began again to weep and shout" Please God restore America From the top down."

When someone takes the office- they marry that nation.

That is why I was crying. We have lost the need to be RIGHTEOUS.

Where is American Honor and Pride that makes us so great?

I was weeping... Over America.

Today I drove the main street of my city again remembering my father How much he loved this community and how much he did to improve it. I was so proud of his accomplishments.

They reminded me of his God- Country- Family. The price he paid the price paid by our forefathers. Even the price paid by my own husband who served 30 years.

Sobbing driving the streets of our city. Save this city O Lord Save us.

The car became silent...

When Suddenly the Lord spoke to me

"Theresa America has not lost her inheritance!

She is about to Bounce Back in a strong way But not the way people think. It will be my people who are called by my name who will arise and take down the enemy.

A lot has been taken and laid aside. Tossed because of pride.

Morality has diminished and values have been cast into a heap.

But, I am awakening TRUTH and SUBSTANCE".

Those in The United States of America are about to COLLECT THEIR INHERITANCE once stolen by Naysayers,Thieves and Injustice.

Privately,Cooperating and Nationally.

Yes, I am about to do this and in some places, its is already being done.

I will overturn Roe Wade! Watch me!"

I will restore diplomacy and Dignity. Watch me!"

And I will give Strategies to those who ask for them. Ask of me Again i ay Ask of me.

Psalms 2 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

I am restoring compassion to the cities... WATCH ME!

Many storefronts that are closed will become open. Flourish.

Some will become HOMELESS SHELTERS for I am calling the cities to rescue their people.

Families that once were torn apart by money politics and religion will begin to unite and restore to each other that which was taken."

For the enemy had come to kill steal and destroy

John 10:10 10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

O, Lord, I said no one will believe this word...

Theresa, He said "I am also reversing the language"

I am giving a fresh look at language and i am challenging all to rethink what they say and how things are to be said. O yes there will be the foul but man will yearn for the pleasant.

Proverbs 16:24 24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

The language of Yes... and Amen... WILL COME TO PASS!

Again I began to weep I was feeling stronger.

He spoke again directly to me!

"Go Theresa and Be strong and of Good courage, I am with America.

Josh 1 : 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Remember GOD is My Co -Pilot...

The Kings Ambassador

Dr Theresa Phillips


Yesterday July 28 I awoke with JOY a new oil And it's ready!

It smells like a garden in the tropics

  • Writer's pictureDr Theresa Phillips

Do you want to live a Supernatural life? 2 Keys are Available.

It is always exciting when GOD does something Supernatural in our lives!

O YES! I am certainly convinced we can live it daily!

Yes, we can access the Heavenly Realms of GOD.

We can ascend to the throne room.

It becomes open for many by two very distinct measures. It two keys to a Supernatural Lifestyle.

1 Reading Revelation Chapter 21 is a beginning. I believe if you can see it while reading it you can access it!

Jeremiah 1: 12 The LORD said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled."

This awesome realm of the Spirit is obtainable by Believing you are Destined to LIVE from Heaven to Earth.

The prayer is clear. We pray thy Kingdom Come Thy will be done on earth ( ME IM MADE OF EARTH) is in Heaven Mathew 6; 10.

Knowing we are Fashioned in the Image of our Creator we now have access to the revelation of how DIVINE HE IS. Genesis 1:27.

So as we read the book of Revelation Chapter 21 we can envision the picture laid out in front of us very clearly.

Crystal Sea. Transparent streets. Jeweled walls. The Glory of GOD filing the new Jerusalem, that Holy Celestial City called HEAVEN which will one day come forth in the below.

When He The King and His saints' reign and rule 1000 years WITH HIM!

Revelations 20: 6 b The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.

How does that access Heaven? How is this Supernatural?

Isaiah 66: 1 This is what the LORD says: "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?

I desperately want to be the resting place for the Lord.

This leads me to

The 2nd most valuable key to access the Supernatural lifestyle.

The art of being a subject to that unseen yer tangible realm of the KING!

2 Upon a visit, I had in Heaven a couple of years ago I had an amazing supernatural experience.

I had been worshiping in my Tearoom when suddenly a Presence filled the room and I was lost in the Glory of GOD and was taking me supernaturally upward.

I could feel myself soaring My spirit was FREE and I was loving this freedom

Suddenly I felt something beneath my feet and I saw a beautiful clear golden floor.

I had an unction to move forward when I did I found myself in a vast arena filled with what was like theater seating with a long corridor through its center.

Instantly I was aware of these new surroundings...

The Presence that had accompanied me said go forward I was timid I was not sure of the steps I was about to take when I was strengthened.

As I moved forward I was seeing a Mighty Throng of people Angels and Created Beings I knew I was in the Throne room of The King of Kings. Yet even more Majestic than I could have imagined.

I was moving as if I were gliding through this corridor when I saw straight ahead of me a glowing living light. From that light came two loving arms I flew into these arms! Coming from a side of the Light was Jesus as King His head was glorified by a beautiful jeweled crown. His head was lifted high. He was smiling. His teeth were shining like pearls His robes we so glorious in colors they carried all the colors of creation. He stood there with such joy upon his face.

I was in the arms of the Father when Jesus said: "Father we have her right where we want her."

The Father put me in a seat 3 rows up the third seat from the end toward the throne.

I had been given my place in Heaven fulfilling the scripture I AM SEATED in Heavenly Places.

Ephesians 2:6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

I realized from that moment on to this very prest day

1We Must read the Scriptures for in them we LIVE! And Have Vision and Have our Destiny Released!

2 We Must believe that God will and can give us a Revelation of our place in the Heavenlies.

I know Just by activation our Senses in Revelation 21 We Have the Very Beginning of a Supernatural Life.

Each one of us has a Seat Assigned to us.

It's God's desire for us to have the very best!

He wants us to fulfill His Passion by doing Just as He Does in the Now.

John 5: 19 Jesus gave them this answer: "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

O dear friend once you activate your senses and Go For The Golden Streets in Revelation You WILL begin your supernatural Life

Because you know and are confident in your place in the Heavenlies.

Is time to Activate Participate and Propagate the Kingdom ON Earth as It Is In Heaven.

He wants to extend this invitation THROUGH YOU! Let us Pray:

Dearest Jesus, you are the King of ALL Kings The Lifter of our heads. The Savior of our Soul and, The Redeem of our sin.


We come before you at this moment to ask you to Allow us that glimpse of Heaven.

Let us deny the access of fear and doubt which tries to enter in as we Read Revelation and Participate in the Majestic painting He set out before us in the Scriptures.

I desire a Supernatural Life and I desire to know my place.

I will not judge my seat against another. I will not contend for what is not destined for me.

I will allow you access to me to be a resting place. REST ON ME!

I love you Jesus O Majestic King I invite your precious HOLY Spirit of Revelation to enter me Now in Jesus name Amen And Forever Amen.

The Kings Ambassador

Dr. Theresa Phillips


Have you seen the entire Oil Line?

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