I have come across many people who have been discouraged about the future.
I have often wondered why this discouragement takes up so much time in ones life.
It seems like a serial attack. As if an unseen force would deter one from have success.
Then I had a dream. I dreamt that there was a child who lived outside in a box. He was a beautiful boy. He appeared very young I noticed he had on a diaper. I realized this boy needed changing. As I prepared to change him I saw an arrow shoot past my head hitting a window. How odd I thought...
I looked up and I saw a very famous women standing in front of me.. Again I thought how odd. She gazed at me with a stern look.
I changed the diaper and realized this boy was not a baby. Yet he was living as if he was an infant and alone in the streets.
Then, I saw something else..I saw a lot of people walking past this young boy as if he was not there... My heart began to break.
Then I soon realized this well known person was actually aware of this boy and refused him entry into society...
Again I was perplexed.. Suddenly gifts were coming from everywhere. Treasures of the heart being unwrapped in front of this boy.. The boy had no emotion. But, I did and I looked at the boy and I asked him "would you like these?' ( meaning the treasures) He looked at the well known person and said nothing... He was afraid.
I realized right there that a promise of some sort had been made to this boy. Yet, he was being ignored and he-was refused entry into society... He was held captive by a one day some day promise. Not allowed to grow. As all his dreams passed in front of him. As he waited stuck in a position he had outgrown. Waiting for the person to say ok its your time..
The well known person stepped away, I moved in... I brought the boy into my home and I began to allow him to grow. He was older than I saw at first. A quick learner and strong...
He was a nurturer. He loved animals. He was bright..
He was growing.
I look at the window where the arrow had flew.. The famous person was watching... watching..from that window looking to see what was happening. Watching with No emotion ...
I awoke from the dream and heard the Spirit of the Lord...
"It's time to step up to your own vision and forgo the hope that someone will someday allow you to be...
It's time love comes to the rescue and delivers people from bondage..
It's time to forgo agendas and reach out across the isles and lend a helping hand. It's time to secure the future of the youth of America. And It's time to stop looking to famous people to get the job done, and realize you have what it takes to be helpful to others."
I was shocked! Was I being rebuked by the Almighty? Probably so.
I reflected on the dream. I looked in the mirror and I soon realized the dream was a story of so many lives lost hope-and promises.
Was I that child.?. Yes at times. I had to be honest with myself.
Who else is that child ? Who's hoping someone will see them? Help them? Acknowledge them and care for them?
Each one of us has a dream. Each one of us wants to be something.... Yet how often is that tossed away due to the interferences of rejection and abandonment?
The answer is simple. Way To Much!
Still reflecting on the dream. I have come to a conclusion.
I have purposefully made a decision.
I will be a help.
I will see the abandoned.
I will believe in my fellow man.
I will care...
Today I ask you to join me As we celebrate the many dreams and Visions of Women Across the Globe.
July 11-14 Lets Step It Up Chicago Regional International Summit. IT'S FOR US ALL!!
Let's Encourage one Another and Grow ...
Lets Forge an Alliance of Hope, Success and A Yes..
Join me in Saint Chalres IL.
Yes lets come together and stand by one another for the Yes in our lives.
I believe in you! Come Believe in all of us... Is when we can collaborate together we can achieve much. COME JOIN ME!
I desire to know you and bless you.
Dr Theresa Phillips
Founder and CEO of Destiny Arising
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